Announcing! FSSA Bicentennial Piping & Drumming Competition
200th Anniversary Commemorative
Piping and Drumming Composition Competition
The Fredericton Society of St. Andrew is pleased to announce a Piping and Drumming Composition Competition in honour of our 200th anniversary. The competition is open to all members of the FSSA pipe bands. Instructions and contact information are posted below.
The winning pipe tune and the winning drum score will each receive a $300 prize - as well as the honour of having their tune be played in perpetuatity by the FSSA Pipe Band.
Instructions to Enter the Competition:
(1) Pipe Tune. The pipe tune must be an original composition of a two-parted march. The name of the tune should reflect the occasion of the 200th anniversary of the FSSA or the 1825 to 2025 period. Please submit your composition to Sandy Gordon and cc Heather Wishart at the email addresses below by January 31, 2025.
Once all pipe tune entries have been received, we will arrange a time for entrants, or someone they engage, to play their compositions in front of a panel and the winner will be selected by the judges. The winner of the pipe tune competition will be announced at the Tartan Gala on April 6, 2025.
(2) Drum Score. The competition for the drum score will open immediately after the winning pipe tune is announced on April 6, 2025. The score must be an accompaniment to the winning pipe tune. Please submit your drum score to Sandy Gordon and cc Heather Wishart at the email addresses below by June 15, 2025.
Once all drum score entries have been received, we will arrange a time for entrants, or someone they engage, to play their composition, accompanying a piper playing the winning pipe tune, in front of a panel and the winner will be selected by the judges. The winning drum score will be announced at the Highland Games 2025.
The debut performance of the winning compositions will be at the Feast of St. Andrew in 2025. In addition, the compositions will be posted on our websites and will be played at FSSA events in years to come.
Summary of Important Dates:
November 29, 2024: Pipe tune competition opens
November 29, 2024: Pipe tune competition opens
January 31, 2025: Deadline to submit pipe tune
April 6, 2025: Announcement of winning pipe tune
April 6, 2025: Drum score competition opens
June 15, 2025: Deadline to submit drum score
Highland Games, 2025: Announcement of winning drum score
November 29, 2025 (Feast of St Andrew dinner): FSSA Pipe Band performance of the winning tune.
For more information or to submit your entry, please email and cc